Excellence in Ecommerce Lite Logo

Amazon Edition


New York, NY

80 Pine Street
October 23, 2023 | 4:00-6:00 PM


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The Mars Agency Logo White


Please fill out the form to reserve your spot. A unique form submission is required for each attendee. If you are unable to attend for some reason, please send an email to events@analyticindex.com to let us know.

If you have any questions or would like additional information your can reach out to the event organizer.

Tim Stocks
(801) 822-9055

Registration for this event is now closed.


Afternoon Session

3:45-4:00 | Registration & Networking
4:00 – 4:15 | Jack Lindberg (AMC Expert)
4:15 – 4:50 | The Mars Agency
4:50 – 5:25 | Skai

5:25 – 6:00 | Analytic Index

Excellence in Ecommerce Live Event Images Circles


The Future of Amazon Marketing Cloud with Generative AI

The Amazon Marketing Cloud is one of Amazon’s most compelling, new offerings, yet many brands and agencies can’t extract value due to its technical implementation.

In this session you will learn:

  • How AMC can transform your business
  • Common use cases
  • How generative AI is transforming the way business extract value from AMC

Presented By

Jack Lindberg

Jack Lindberg
Director of Analytics

The Mars Agency Logo White


Art + Algorithm: Guiding Principles to Excel in Ecommerce Today

What’s the role of art in an ecommerce world of algorithms? Two ecommerce subject matter experts will share how they have cracked the algorithms then added shopper insights to help their CPG clients win on Amazon. Join them to see case studies and learn guiding principles on how you can bring more art back into your ecommerce marketing.

In this session you will learn:

  • How insights and experience in Shopper Marketing can excel your digital marketing efforts
  • How brands have applied these strategies successfully

Presented By


Melissa Wightman
VP eCommerce

The Mars Agency Logo White

Erin Gordon
VP, Group Creative Director

The Mars Agency Logo White


Dominating Retail Media: Using retail analytics to accelerate Amazon advertising success

As data deprecation and signal loss continue to plague advertisers, retail media has firmly established itself as a critical strategy for the post-cookie era. However, it isn’t without data challenges of its own. The data-sharing capabilities of most retailers are rudimentary. And gaps in data connectivity—both within and between retailers—are leading to measurement constraints that limit performance possibilities.

To retain retail media momentum, identifying and bridging the right datasets together to inform holistic KPIs, measure incremental impact, and optimize performance to meet customer expectations will be key.

Join Skai as we share some best practice examples of how Kroger data is being utilized to dominate retail media.

In this session you will learn:

  • Compelling finding’s from Skai’s State of Retail Media Study 2023
  • The data required for retail-intelligent advertising
  • Best practices for using Analytic Index’s powerful retail analytics to dominate retail media

Presented By

Kevin Weiss

Kevin Weiss
VP Retail Media



Hands-on Workshop: Auditing and Improving Your Prime Day Performance

It may feel like digital analytics for Kroger are few and far between when it comes to organic and paid search. After all, formulating the perfect product detail page and paid campaigns come as a result of great data. Whereas Kroger’s Digital Scorecard offers some preliminary insights around digital sales and attribution, there is still a long way to go towards creating actionable insights that will help your items climb the rank of Kroger search.


In this session, Analyitc Index will provide an audit of your brand’s Prime Day performance, so bring your laptops to learn about your results in:

  • Sales
  • Promotions
  • Sponsored Search
  • Search Visibility

Presented By

Tim Stocks

Tim Stocks
VP Partnerships

White Analytic Index Logo

Skai Office NYC

80 Pine Street, New York, NY 10005

80 Pine NY