Pete Andrews

Areas of Focus:

  • Brand Practitioner
  • Consultant
  • Digital Commerce
  • Digital Shelf
  • Organic Search
  • Pricing
  • Rating and Reviews
Pete Andrews

Years in E-commerce: 10

Company/Association: Edge by Ascential

Emphasis or Specialty:

I focus on providing data to help brands improve their Amazon business.

What e-commerce KPIs do you think brands should focus on?

Sales, Share, Traffic, and Conversion. These four metrics act as the starting point to identify any issue or opportunities to improve your e-commerce business. 

What immediate opportunities and threats do you see in e-commerce?

Covid and social distancing have proven the importance of online grocery. As shopping trends are shifting, more and more fresh companies need to be ready to shift their presence online both through the content and their supply chains.

What’s an experience where analytics and data made a huge difference in making a decision?

I’m a data nerd. My whole career has revolved around data and using it to make decisions in retail. I’ve had instances as small as using data to identify that a low-converting item wasn’t selling because of a poor quality image to something as large as bu9ilding out a model to identify that I could make an assortment profitable by cutting 80 percent of the SKUs. Regardless of the size of the data set, it’s always fun to find those insights that drive action.