Ecommerce Promo Accelerator
The Analytic Index Promo Accelerator was designed to provide visibility into all sales promotions happening in your category and give insights into what you should promote. The unique ability for you to plan and promote items based on market opportunities and events, ensures you get the best possible return on promoted items.

Get detailed information about every aspect of the digital shelf.
Get actionable recommendation that will actively increase sales.
Track results from implemented recommendations in near real-time.

Promo Analysis
Ensure your team is wisely investing marketing dollars by fully comprehending the promo landscape by type, discount amount, brand, category, or keywords including the impact promotions have when combined with additional digital shelf actions. Get alerts for new items promotions by keyword, category, or brand. Understand the opportunities for digital coupons/rollbacks, deal pages, Buy X Get Y, Retail Circular promotions, and other deal types across digital commerce platforms. Act on the data with recommended promotion recommendations including promo type, timing, and discount amount.

Badge Analysis
Understanding the retailer badge system can be the key to unlocking great sales potential. With the badge analysis, you can easily identify which items have earned badges and which brands, categories, and keywords have breakout badge performance. Badge analysis includes cross-retailer badges like Best Seller, New, and Inventory Alerts as well as retailer specific initiatives like retailer Exclusives, Holiday Deals, Limited Time Offers, Amazon’s Choice, and Delivery Options badges. Combine those analytics with alerts that identify category trends and competitive actions to help you address optimal sales and search growth to dominate your category.

Event Analysis
Get near real-time visibility into campaign performance for seasonal events including Holiday, Back-to-School, New Year New You as well as retailer-specific initiatives for Prime Day, Cyber 5, Single’s Day, and all other retailer driven campaigns. Identify participation and performance analytics including Sales/Search/Shelf contribution to brand and item performance helping your company invest in programs that will drive incremental success.
Dominate Sales Across All Major Ecommerce Platforms

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